Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Thin Hard Pregnant Women

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - skinny women proved more difficult to conceive. Research conducted by scientists from the Advanced Fertility Center in Chicago, As is found that women who are too skinny, with a body mass index 14 to 18 turned out to be more difficult to have children.

"This is evident from the results of 2500 IVF tests performed in our clinic during a period of eight years" explained one researcher Richard Sherbahn.

The women who take the test is then divided into three groups based on body weight. The first very thin, normal and overweight.

The result was seen in women with normal weight group 50 percent are known to have a baby.

While the female obese group owns 45 percent chance of having a baby. Latter group is at issue, namely women with thin body size, which is only a figure of 34 percent.

"It's like explaining that to be very thin not so good if you want to have offspring. Unfortunately, many women still terkukung with the concept of the thinner the better" added Sherbahn.

According to thin woman becomes pregnant difficult, because usually there is a decrease of the hormones estrogen, not to mention the problem of malnutrition so difficult to grow embryos in the uterus.

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