Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Fish Consumption Really Prevent Mental Illness?

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - A research states, the consumption of fish was able to prevent mental fatigue to dementia. This is because the fish can improve blood flow to the brain by reducing the level of mental fatigue after people perform the difficult tasks.

From the experiments conducted scientists from the University of Northumbria, UK looks omega-3 fatty acid content of fish can bring good effects on the brain reaction study participants aged 18 to 35 years.

"This discovery could have implications for mental function in later life. The evidence shows that eating oily fish regularly can prevent cognitive decline and dementia, because they can increase blood flow to the brain very well," explained lead investigator, Dr. Philippa Jackson.

According to the results of this study also shows how the fish is also very influential to improve elderly mentally. "If the elderly are the benefits are great, the benefits would be even greater for those with degenerative mental condition," added Jackson. (Source: Sehatnews.com)

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