Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Give the impression Modified lights Fabrics Cool In Room


TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Sweeten sebuahruangan need proper arrangement, for example, put the lights to provide lighting that lure.

Decorative lights are manifold, one lamp with a painting style. Decorative lighting creations from Cork Art home industry, Gg Paradise Road Urban Village, New York is indeed a unique and interesting shape.

Construction of decorative lights are made ​​from wood and the light is `wrapped 'with a painted cloth.

"The painting is more beautiful natural themed if the lamp is turned on. The theme naturally give the feel of coolness in a room," said Yuliana, employee of Cork Art.

These decorative lights can we place on the front porch, living room, family room or bedroom. Placement can be in the corner or position in accordance with estetikaruang. Surely, with the proper layout, decorative lights can be menjadidaya attraction for the view.

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