Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Stress Gone with the style of Puri Spa Candles

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, SATURN - Want to get rid of stress? Do not have a headache thinking about the complicated therapy. Try a unique way that was once the spiritual traditions of the Indian tribes, Native American ie ear candle therapy.

This therapy is not new in the world of health. In ancient times the Indians used ear candles therapy of skin honeycomb coated corn. Currently there are various other products to replace the bark cloth such as linen and other products are sterile, of course.

"This treatment is especially useful for cleaning the area around the ears," said Spa Manager of the Gran Puri Manado, Manado Yoke Saroinsong to the Tribune on Wednesday (12/10/2011).

In addition, he explained this therapy can calm the mind and prevent vertigo, migraine, sinusitis, insomnia, autism in children, and even stress or depression. Routine therapy in this manner also effectively treat hearing loss.

"People who are experiencing symptoms of depression or stress usually become more calm because this therapy is calm," he explained.

And you need not merogeh deep pockets for ear candle therapy, but enough to pay Rp 85 thousand. The process of therapy about 45 minutes in a special room arranged neatly in Gran Puri Spa, located at 5th Floor, Hotel Gran Puri Manado.

In addition to these therapies, the Spa Puri there are various other treatments for skin and body care. There is a body and skin treatments such as traditional scrubs, bath pecan, Minahasa body silk treatment, Coconut Body Scrub up to special care aroma therapy treatments like Swedish massage, traditional Indonesian massage, Shiatsu Traditional, French Massage, Hot Stone Massage. The Gran Puri equipped spa sauna, whirlpool, 4 VIP rooms, 9 standard rooms, barber shop and Salo

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