Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

After menstruation Non-Current Contraceptive Use

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - If you've had menstrual cycle disorders after the use of contraceptives is natural. Menstrual disorders like this are common.

Dr Nasruddin AM SpOG, a specialist in obstetrics and kandungan.dari Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia said Muslim hadi disorders that occur when using hormonal contraceptives (pills or injections) and several cycles after discontinuing contraception is common, is caused because of hormonal contraceptives alter hormone balance .

"The balance of the body's natural hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle during normal changes due to hormonal contraceptives," he explained.

This generally occurs 2-3 cycles per month. But if it is over three menstrual cycles has not been regular consultations good medicine for menstrual cycle regulation.

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