Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Alert! Fish Therapy Can Spread HIV


TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Lately a lot of care in our neighborhood called with fish spa therapy fish alias. Fish spas are provided in addition to beauty salons, are also often found in shopping malls in major cities.
Not a few of our society who try to feel this fish spa treatments. But did you know it turns out this therapy could spread fatal diseases such as HIV Hepatitis C.
Health Protection Agency (HPA) states, it turns out the spa for a foot can spread diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis C. According to an independent agency in the UK, the risk of infection for users of this treatment is low, but should not be ignored.
Fish spa treatments done to remove dead skin cells on the foot. To do so, we will be asked to dip both feet into the water where there are hundreds of small fish called Garra Rufa will nibble dead skin from feet. After doing this therapy for about 20 minutes, our feet are believed to be subtle because the rough parts were eaten by fish.
Agency charged with protecting the public from the threat of disease transmission is found, that the water tank containing hundreds or thousands of these fish contain microorganisms. Problems can arise as a result of bacteria that moved by the fish from the water in the tank, or from one user to another user if the water is not replaced.
Well, if there are users who are infected with viruses derived from blood, such as HIV or hepatitis, and suffered bleeding in the water, a risk of disease transfer to another person. People who suffer from diabetes, psoriasis, or weakened immune systems, according to the HPA, including those most at risk for contracting. Therefore, they are not advised to undergo treatment for the feet of this beauty.
"We are issuing this guidance because it increases the number of such spas. When the correct hygiene procedures followed, the risk of infection is very low. However, there is still a risk of transmission of the number of infections, including HIV and hepatitis virus," said a spokesman for the HPA.

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