TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Is it safe for women when using a tight bra? Current controversy behind the use of a tight bra and dangers to health continues.
Some people argue that a tight bra can trigger breast cancer even though most scientists oppose it.
Well, recently experts from Harvard University claimed to find evidence of a link between bras and breast cancer.
Researchers reasoned, the use of a very tight bra can restrict blood circulation and can damage the lymphatic tissues. These conditions resulted in a lack of oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the tissue cells. This is especially true in women who wear bras for more than 12 hours a day and wear them while sleeping.
The study also found that middle-class women are at higher risk of breast cancer because they are busy every day.
As is known, the lymphatic vessels in the breast tissue is very thin, they are very sensitive to pressure and easily compressed.
"The main reason why a very tight bra for breast health is bad because they restrict the flow of lymph nodes in your breast. Normally the lymph fluid to wash out the waste material and toxins from the breast, but the bra so that the toxins inhibit this action can begin to accumulate in the breast that can be assist the development of cancer, "said Dr. Mody MD.
Meanwhile, Dr. Kamath Smiti also voiced a similar thing. He said, "Wearing a tight bra, especially when sleep will prevent the flow of lymphatic and possibly cause anoxia (low oxygen), where associated with fibrosis, which in turn has been associated with increased cancer risk."
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