Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Look out! Can Life Threatening Food Allergies


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - During this, the public perception of food allergy is very diverse, so sometimes it makes a false assumption and led to various myths that have not been proven true.
One is the myth that food allergies are not dangerous. When in fact, food allergies can be life threatening because of severe allergic reaction which came very quickly and can be fatal.
So you do not misconstrue the myths surrounding food allergies, here are the answers of the various myths surrounding food allergies, which flourished in smasyarakat:
1. Myth: Food allergies are a rare occurrenceFact: Approximately 12 million people in the United States suffer from food allergies.Food allergy is more common among young people with an estimated 1 of 17 children under age 3 have food allergies.
2. Myth: Food allergies are not dangerousFact: Food allergy can be life threatening. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction which came very quickly and can be fatal.
3. Myth: Allergic reactions are not directly appearFact: Symptoms of an allergic reaction usually occurs within a few minutes to two hours after ingestion of individual foods that trigger allergies.
4. Myth: One small bite that's okayFact: If someone is really allergic, even the little food allergens can pose a risk. In fact, less than a small bite can cause severe reactions.
5. Myth: Nuts sole cause of food allergiesFact: While it is true that nuts can cause very serious reactions, but that does not mean no other food can trigger a severe allergic reaction. These foods include, fish, shellfish, and milk.
6. Myth: Cooking food reduces the appearance of allergiesFact: Food allergy is an immune system response against the protein content in food.Protein will remain in food even has heated up. You can not make the food less allergenic, though has been cooked.
7. Myth: The results of positive skin prick tests mean allergyFact: skin prick test is predictive of food allergy.But these tests sometimes produce "false positives". Direct experiment by eating foods that are thought to trigger allergies are the most definitive test to determine whether you have food allergies or not.
8. Myth: Allergies do not occur in adultsFact: While food allergies most often arise in early childhood, but allergic reactions can occur at any age, even in adulthood.

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