Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Stress and Abatement

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Human life is characterized by the efforts of needs, both physical, mental, emotional, material and spiritual. If the requirement can be met with a good, balance and satisfaction is achieved. But in fact, often meet the needs of the business gets a lot of obstacles and barriers.
Pressures and difficulties of human life is often brought in a state of stress. Stress can be experienced by all ages.
Stress can be physical, biological and psychological. Germs that invade the human body cause biological stress that causes a variety of immune reactions. While the psychological stress can be sourced from some of the things that can cause a sense of well-being and life balance.
Sources of stress can be classified in the forms:1. Crisis
The crisis is changes / events that arise suddenly and shake the balance of power beyond the reach of a person's day-to-day adjustments. For example: the crisis in the fields of business, family relations and so on.
2. FrutrasiAdaah frustration of failure in business kebutuhan-kebutuhan/dorongan instinct gratification, causing disappointment. Frutrasi arise when a person's intention or attempt blocked by obstacles (from outside: famine, drought, death, and so on and from the inside: fatigue, mental disability, low self-esteem, etc.) that impede the progress of an ideal that was about to accomplish.
3. ConflictThe conflict is a conflict between two desires / encouragement that is between the forces of instinct and the power that drives mengenalikan instincts.
4. PressureStress can be caused pressure associated with the great responsibility that must be paid. (From within ourselves: the ideals, the patriarch, and so on and from the outside: a wife who is too demanding, parents who want their children to excel).

Due to StressDue to stress depends on the person's reaction to stress. Generally the stress of protracted cause feelings of anxiety, fear, depression, loss of sense of security, self-esteem is threatened, anxious, cold sweat, heart often palpitations, dizziness, difficult or like to eat and sleep). Anxiety is heavy and lasts a long time will reduce a person's ability and efficiency in carrying out his functions and can ultimately cause a variety of mental disorders.

Reaction Against StressPerson's reaction to stress vary from:
1. Maturity level of personality
2. Education and experience of one's life
Psychological reactions that may arise in dealing with stress:
1. face directly with all hazards.
2. withdrew and did not know anything about the problem he faced / escape from reality.
3. use self-defense mechanism.

Stress Reduction
1. Identify and recognize the sources of stress.
2. Fostering maturity of personality through education and life experiences.
3. Develop healthy living. Among others, by the way: are content with what they had, not in a hurry to achieve his desire, to realize the difference between wants and needs, and so on.
4. Give thanks to Almighty God for everything that happens to remain faithful to Him.
5. Ask for guidance to close friends, people who are more mature, psychologists, people mature spiritually, and so on).
6. Avoid negative attitudes among others: rebelling against the state, apathy or rage. These things do not resolve the problem but it opens a new problem.

Stress also comes as Most Free Time


TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Stress can happen to anyone, anytime. Usually they have a difficult time for yourself alias did not have 'me time' is often complain of stress suffered. In fact, too much spare time also have similar effects, which is stressful.

It was revealed from the results of the study researchers from the University of Cincinnati in Ohio and Baylor University in Texas. They interviewed 1329 adolescents about the amount of free time which is owned and level of perceived happiness.

Those who feel just a little to have free time tend to be unhappy. However, abundant leisure time teenagers who also consider themselves unhappy.

"What makes you more miserable, too much or too little time to spare? To be happy, we should be in the middle," said the researcher.

According to researchers, young people are materialistic just need the right amount of time to spend in order to feel happy.

"We now live in the community who think the time is very important. The perception will narrow time or deadline could affect the level of happiness," he said.

At the same time, our consumption culture, marked by materialism and the compulsive spending habits, also affect a person's happiness.

In his research report, concluded that living with a reasonable amount of leisure time will increase the happiness, not only directly, but also reduces the negative effects associated with consumption-oriented life habits.

Many dangers Drink Carbonated Beverages


TRIBUNNEWS.COM - The act of violence in adolescents was not only triggered by alcohol, but also contain soda drinks. A recent study says, teens who like drinking soft drinks tend to behave aggressively.
High school students in the city of Boston who consumed more than 5 cans of non-diet soda a week, 9-15 percent risk for aggressive behavior compared to peers who drink less.
"We found a strong link between how many soft drinks consumed by teenagers and violent behavior that they do. It's not just violence among their peers, but also in relationships and with the brothers," said David Hemenway, professor of the Harvard School of Public Health.
Still, Hemenway said he could not infer a causal relationship because more in-depth research will be needed again.
In his research, he conducted a survey of 1878 school students aged 14-18 years in Boston, where according to Hemenway criminal case rate higher than the sub-urban areas are more affluent.
The majority of respondents were Hispanic youth, African-American or mixed, and some adolescents of Asian or Caucasian.
A list of questions asked in the survey is how many non-diet soft drinks consumed, with the 355 ml size (one tin), who drink the respondents in the past week. They also asked whether drinking alcohol, smoking, carrying weapons, or even commit violent acts on a friend, family member, or lover.
Which emerges from the results of this survey, according to Hemenway, is evidence of "dose response". In other words, the more soda consumed, the higher their propensity to violence.
In adolescents who drank one can of soda or not at all in a week, found 23 percent who carry a gun or a knife, 15 percent who commit violence in boyfriend, and 35 percent who do violence to his friend.
Meanwhile, on "soda addicts" who drank 14 cans every week, found 43 percent carried weapons, 27 percent do violence to the couple, and 58 percent do violence on their peers.
In general, teens who often drank soda, have a tendency to behave aggressively than those taking only a little. The trend was found even after accounting for ethnic factors and other family background.
"We do not yet know the cause of this linkage. There may be some causal factors but also maybe it is a marker of other problems, such as children who like to apply aggressive tend to smoke, drink alcohol, or drinking soda. We're not sure because it has to do advanced study in depth, "said Hemenway.

Brushing No Need Loud

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - There are many misconceptions in the community that it must be hard to brush your teeth so much cleaner. In fact, brush their teeth done enough to reach all soft and between teeth.

Periodontist from the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia, Yuniarti Soeroso, drg, Sp.Perio (K) said, brushing teeth with a soft goal so as not to damage the gum tissue and teeth mengabrasi layer.

Although no definitive data regarding the number of people with sensitive teeth in Indonesia, but Yuniarti revealed that the majority of sensitive teeth suffered by many young adult age groups.

"Prevention is the need to educate how to brush their teeth early in children. And becoming a necessity for everyone to check their teeth at least 6 months," he said.

Thin Hard Pregnant Women

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - skinny women proved more difficult to conceive. Research conducted by scientists from the Advanced Fertility Center in Chicago, As is found that women who are too skinny, with a body mass index 14 to 18 turned out to be more difficult to have children.

"This is evident from the results of 2500 IVF tests performed in our clinic during a period of eight years" explained one researcher Richard Sherbahn.

The women who take the test is then divided into three groups based on body weight. The first very thin, normal and overweight.

The result was seen in women with normal weight group 50 percent are known to have a baby.

While the female obese group owns 45 percent chance of having a baby. Latter group is at issue, namely women with thin body size, which is only a figure of 34 percent.

"It's like explaining that to be very thin not so good if you want to have offspring. Unfortunately, many women still terkukung with the concept of the thinner the better" added Sherbahn.

According to thin woman becomes pregnant difficult, because usually there is a decrease of the hormones estrogen, not to mention the problem of malnutrition so difficult to grow embryos in the uterus.

Fish Consumption Really Prevent Mental Illness?

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - A research states, the consumption of fish was able to prevent mental fatigue to dementia. This is because the fish can improve blood flow to the brain by reducing the level of mental fatigue after people perform the difficult tasks.

From the experiments conducted scientists from the University of Northumbria, UK looks omega-3 fatty acid content of fish can bring good effects on the brain reaction study participants aged 18 to 35 years.

"This discovery could have implications for mental function in later life. The evidence shows that eating oily fish regularly can prevent cognitive decline and dementia, because they can increase blood flow to the brain very well," explained lead investigator, Dr. Philippa Jackson.

According to the results of this study also shows how the fish is also very influential to improve elderly mentally. "If the elderly are the benefits are great, the benefits would be even greater for those with degenerative mental condition," added Jackson. (Source: Sehatnews.com)

Operation Defeat Breast Implants Buttocks

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - breast implants have become the most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in the world. But the emergence of popular figures with the butt which contains, such as Jennifer Lopez, Nicki Minaj, or Kim Kardashian, making breast enlargement trend is shifted by a new trend, namely enlargement of the buttocks.
Buttocks implants are becoming so popular in England because women feel fuller buttocks will improve appearance, provide greater confidence, and make them look more sexually attractive.
However, cases of deaths of British dancer Claudia Aderotimi result of illegal silicone injection to enlarge her buttocks earlier this year, led to the enactment of implant procedures medical professionals require more stringent. Claudia has declined as a result of social pressure in an audition for a music video creation, being caught wearing pads on her ass. Claudia desperate underwent silicone injection in the hotel he lived, led to the use of cheap silicon leaking into the blood stream, and as a result of heart failure.
"Rump has always been an important part of women's sexual performance, from the Hottentot tribe (from South Africa) to increase buttocks implants in women of Brazil.
Previously buttocks implants is not a popular act in the UK, and sadly in some cases people are looking for the cheapest alternative. In this case we have seen the bad consequences, "said renowned cosmetic surgeon in the UK, Dr Dai Davies.
The case with Claudia proves the importance of research and find a qualified surgeon and has a good reputation, according to doctors from the Cosmetic Surgery Partners.
More recently, reality show stars The Only Way Is Essex, Chloe Simm, also expressed his desire to have a more rounded butt and full. "This is a result of pressure from Essex! I'm almost 30 years, unmarried, not engaged, little ass, no nothing. Maybe a new butt would make me get a pair," he said, as quoted by The Daily Mail.
As with all plastic surgery procedures, buttock implants are not recommended for anyone. Women who want to undergo this procedure is expected to find a plastic surgeon of good repute. But more importantly, before you decide to undergo this procedure, make sure that you have prepared for the changes that occur after surgery, both physically and mentally.
Plastic surgery will change your life forever, including surgery if the results do not fit your expectations. To reduce the risk that endangers the health, trying to do the tricks that are safer to raise the buttocks. Wearing butt pads, for example. You can find it easily on the counter in a department store lingerie.

When to Quit Sports?

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Exercise is a good activity for the body to keep it fresh and healthy. But sometimes choose not to exercise is a good reason.

Then the conditions of how we can choose to not exercise?

1. ill

But keep in mind when symptoms of flu or just regular colds and coughs, you can still use the sport as a venue for producing sweat. But if you are already experiencing symptoms of pain, fever, or inflammation of the better looking sweat you miss this session. Then consult a doctor.

2. In the rest of commitment

Sometimes we need a commitment to break from sports activities one to two days a week. Because your body needs rest days to repair muscles and prevent injury. If you feel very tired, sick, or weak, immediately cease from all sporting activities.

3. injury

Injury here depends on how the mechanism. When only minor injuries continue to exercise certainly not a problem. But when it is severe injury, such injury occurs, or tissue damage and even broken bones, never force yourself. Immediately stop and rest. After that visit a physical therapist in order to quickly recover and can exercise again.

4. Relax time

Healthy living requires commitment, but that does not mean there is no time to unwind and relax. Sometimes, leaning on the couch all day or spend time with laughing and gossiping with your friends is a healthy way of telling. (Source: Sehatnews.com)

What Not Allowed to Do After Exercise

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - you may have to spend an hour a day to exercise hard. But what about the other 23 hours at a time when you do not exercise?

Well below the things you should not do after exercise:

1. Drink Sports Drink
Do not rush to consume sports drinks when your body is not really lost electrolytes. Sports drinks generally contain artificial sweeteners are not good for the body. Simply gulp of water to replace lost body fluids.

2. Not a direct feed
After strenuous exercise, your body is ready for refueling. But remember do not directly take the weight of the fatty foods, but be wise with light snacks are healthy. Small amount of protein and complex carbohydrates is enough to restore your muscles.

3.Camilan night
Choose a light and healthy snacks in the evening. Do not let this night snack choices ruin your calorie burn during the day.

4. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep is not just a means of rest, but also the recovery of energy to exercise again the next day. Sleep also produce high levels of growth hormone is believed to be a key component of muscle growth and repair. (Source: Sehatnews.com)

After menstruation Non-Current Contraceptive Use

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - If you've had menstrual cycle disorders after the use of contraceptives is natural. Menstrual disorders like this are common.

Dr Nasruddin AM SpOG, a specialist in obstetrics and kandungan.dari Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia said Muslim hadi disorders that occur when using hormonal contraceptives (pills or injections) and several cycles after discontinuing contraception is common, is caused because of hormonal contraceptives alter hormone balance .

"The balance of the body's natural hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle during normal changes due to hormonal contraceptives," he explained.

This generally occurs 2-3 cycles per month. But if it is over three menstrual cycles has not been regular consultations good medicine for menstrual cycle regulation.

Hey man, Do It If Your Spouse Moderate PMS


TRIBUNNEWS.COM - If you could choose, most men do not want to make trouble in front of their spouses who are having menstrual periods. Polyposis syndrome pre-menstrual (Pre Menstrual Syndrome / PMS) in women is often feared by the men.
Many of those who become the object of anger even for small things. Or, suddenly, a woman cry for no apparent reason.
Rather than avoid, the better it handled. There are a few suggestions for a guy in the face of women who are experiencing PMS or menstruating.

* Effects of hormonesRemember, that emotion has changed all of a sudden is not the woman's personality, but because of the influence of hormones. During menstruation, women are more irritable, so try to understand it. Avoid things that may bother them or make them frustrated.
Although sometimes the behavior of women look silly and funny during PMS and menstruation, do not make the mistake of teasing or joking about it. Unless, you want to get angry and upset ketumpahan.
* Consider your attitudeDoing the things he did not like, can be tolerated but not at the time was PMS. Remember to always behave well. Do not be upset if you do not want to change his mood, when she was with you.
* Provide assistanceMen can reduce the pressure felt by their partner to help complete the household chores. Just to throw garbage, for example.
Shyama, gynecologists Kothari, as quoted by the Times of India, said, "Menstruation often make women feel stressed and uncomfortable. So better if the husband or partner to give special treatment for several days."
He suggested that a man can show love and concern to women to reduce the negative impact of changes in hormones and body. "Tell her that she was beautiful, despite her appearance a bit fat because of water retention at a time like this makes a woman's body bigger."
In addition to pain in the body, women tend to eat sweet foods during menstruation. Instead of commenting on the number of calories eaten, the men are advised to occasionally join with a partner to enjoy snacking session partner. Massage to relax muscles and relax highly recommended for women who are experiencing PMS and menstruation.

Look out! Can Life Threatening Food Allergies


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - During this, the public perception of food allergy is very diverse, so sometimes it makes a false assumption and led to various myths that have not been proven true.
One is the myth that food allergies are not dangerous. When in fact, food allergies can be life threatening because of severe allergic reaction which came very quickly and can be fatal.
So you do not misconstrue the myths surrounding food allergies, here are the answers of the various myths surrounding food allergies, which flourished in smasyarakat:
1. Myth: Food allergies are a rare occurrenceFact: Approximately 12 million people in the United States suffer from food allergies.Food allergy is more common among young people with an estimated 1 of 17 children under age 3 have food allergies.
2. Myth: Food allergies are not dangerousFact: Food allergy can be life threatening. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction which came very quickly and can be fatal.
3. Myth: Allergic reactions are not directly appearFact: Symptoms of an allergic reaction usually occurs within a few minutes to two hours after ingestion of individual foods that trigger allergies.
4. Myth: One small bite that's okayFact: If someone is really allergic, even the little food allergens can pose a risk. In fact, less than a small bite can cause severe reactions.
5. Myth: Nuts sole cause of food allergiesFact: While it is true that nuts can cause very serious reactions, but that does not mean no other food can trigger a severe allergic reaction. These foods include, fish, shellfish, and milk.
6. Myth: Cooking food reduces the appearance of allergiesFact: Food allergy is an immune system response against the protein content in food.Protein will remain in food even has heated up. You can not make the food less allergenic, though has been cooked.
7. Myth: The results of positive skin prick tests mean allergyFact: skin prick test is predictive of food allergy.But these tests sometimes produce "false positives". Direct experiment by eating foods that are thought to trigger allergies are the most definitive test to determine whether you have food allergies or not.
8. Myth: Allergies do not occur in adultsFact: While food allergies most often arise in early childhood, but allergic reactions can occur at any age, even in adulthood.

at It Can Lower Sexual Passion


TRIBUNNEWS.COM - You must have often heard about the aphrodisiac foods that can arouse sexual desire. But, did you know that there are foods that can actually reduce or even eliminate your sex drive?
If you do not want to decrease your sexual desire, better food mengomsumsi below should not be too excessive. The Star says there are eight foods that can lower your sexual desire.
* LicoriceLicorice is a sweet root crop that is often used as ingredients for candy or other sweet foods. Cough black is also using this material as a sweetener. Licorice contains phytoestrogens, which can lower testosterone levels. This hormone not only found in men but also women who triggers sexual desire.
* SoybeanSoy is very good for your health. However, if consumed too much, it has the same effect as licorice, which can lower testosterone levels.
* Cilantro / coriander leaves
Coriander leaves can also reduce testosterone levels. The leaves are widely used in cookingMexico and Vietnam.
* Mint leavesOften used as an ingredient for sweets or drinks that can eliminate bad breath. Do not eat too much candy mint, because mint can also reduce testosterone levels and a negative impact on your sexual desire.
* Drink a tonicThe main ingredient is quinine tonic drinks, which also lowers testosterone levels.
* Corn flakesWhy was John Harvey Kellogg made cornflake currently quite popular? He is a doctor at a sanatorium, a place to care for patients with chronic lung disease. Kellogg created cornflakes to reduce sexual desire of the patient.
* Sweet and fatty foodsToo many sweet and fatty foods can close the arterial wall. This blocks the blood flow to the genital area, thereby reducing sexual desire.
* AlcoholAlcoholic beverages are consumed in excess can also reduce sexual desire. After drinking alcohol, people tend to depression and headaches.
If you still want to have a high sex drive, eat healthy foods and healthy lifestyles, and do not forget to exercise.

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

How Creating Small But Healthy Home?

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - The playhouse can be healthy does not mean not as spacious home. No matter how vast, permanent home can be healthy. Provided that the landlord actually pay attention to health aspects in the house. The playhouse should instead be grateful for not too tired to take care and take care to always clean. Here are some ways you can do to bring home a tiny but healthy: Circulation Try to keep your house has windows in every room. Its usefulness, certainly to facilitate the exchange of air that enters and exits the room. Vent If the house did not allow many have windows, you can try to make the holes smaller wind. In addition to facilitate the flow of air, the usefulness of the vent is to provide lighting in the room. Although only slightly, the light that enters the home remains a positive benefit. The house is rich beams will be healthier than the house is damp due to less exposure to sunlight. Glass Specifically in the bathroom, if not also allow made the window, you can work around this by mounting glassblock or above with glass windows. It could also, you make a high ceiling. Ceiling height of more help circulate the air in the room because the air exchange in and out more freely, so the room is not stuffy. Taman Mini Parks should not require extensive land. You can make a garden indoors. Parks in this room will keep the fresh air. As a workaround, you can use a dry garden or minimalist garden. Storage areas Although small, you can still make enough storage area. Crowded house because the goods have piled up and cluttered storage area neat. You can outsmart by making storage bag on the stairs, coffee table, under a bed, desk, and others. Well, from now on, remain grateful to you a little house!

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Chit Chat with Friends Office Create Longevity


TALKING with coworkers can be a drug restorer tired of the routine work. It also can significantly increase lifespan.
A 20-year study found that people who reported having low friendships at work, 2.4 times more likely to die during the study compared a smart co-workers get along.
The study examined 820 adult workers aged 25-65 years who worked an average of 8.8 hours a day to take part observing their health records. Participants drawn from various backgrounds to take into account various risk factors of psychological, behavioral, or physiological, such as smoking, obesity and depression. Different fields is also a scope of work, including finance, healthcare, and manufacturing.
The participants were asked about their relationships with superiors and peers in the workplace, such as whether their colleagues friendly and approachable. Of the participants who died during the study, the most common in people who have poor social relationships with coworkers.
Lack of emotional support at work increased 140 percent risk of death within the next 20 years than those who relate well with colleagues.
"We spend most of the time since waking up at work and we do not have much time to meet friends of friends in addition to the office.Work should be a place where people can get the necessary emotional support, "explains Dr. Sharon Toker from the Department of Organizational Behavior, Tel Aviv University's Leon Recanati, study leader.
He added, this study confirms the perception that emotional support is the strongest indicator of the health of someone in the future. While building a conducive environment, Dr. Toker said that many workplaces could not be facilitated.
Although the office wearing an open concept, many workers use e-mail than face to face communication. Worse, social networking sites that can provide significant social connections, often blocked.
To create a friendly atmosphere for the health office, he suggested the corner coffee (coffee corner) where people can gather to sit and talk, like a social outing for the workers or the informal social networks like Facebook's internal cyberspace.
"This is where employees can discuss stress and personal problems that could ultimately affect their position in the workplace," he said, as reported by Dailymail, Monday (08/08/2011).

Sumber : http://lifestyle.okezone.com/

Build Confidence Key Career

BELIEVE yourself is a great way to bring in all conditions. Believing himself to be one key to building a brilliant career.

The psychologist stated that excessive self-confidence is very important. In addition, required in all areas of life, at work, in private life, and sports activities.

It is better to show active resistance (eg in a dispute), even if the opponent is more powerful than you, because you never know exactly how strong he really is. Thus quoted from Genius Beauty, Monday (10/03/2011).

James Fowler of the University of California believe that the main secret of self-confidence is to make sure that you actually stronger or more clever than reality.


According to statistics, people do not have a problem who doubt their abilities. As many as 94 percent of American professors noted that their teaching abilities above the average, 70 percent of high school students also estimate their abilities in ways that benefit. And an independent study has shown that men tend to overestimate their attractiveness.

Sumber : http://lifestyle.okezone.com

4 Ways Overcome Panic Attacks


YOU would never get a sudden panic attack with heart beating faster and faster, muscles tense, and dizziness. There is a quick way to cure this one attack.
Panic attacks come suddenly and often there is no trigger. Simply put, panic attacks can be frightening, but if you are able to recognize what is happening, you can learn to cope effectively.
Experts believe that panic attacks occur when the normal mind our "fight or flight" when responding to immediate action. In other words, a panic attack involves the sense of threat when there is no real danger present.
If possible you're having a panic attack, here are some things to relieve it, as reviewed Shine:
When experiencing a panic attack, people often begin to breathe faster. Understandable because this is a continuation of other symptoms, such as muscle tension and rapid heartbeat.
First, understand that you are not going to stop breathing during a panic attack. To calm breathing, start by adjusting your posture in an upright position.
Inhale slowly and deeply. Take a breath in a matter of 5-10 seconds. When your lungs are full, try to hold my breath 1-2 seconds. Then, exhale slowly, repeat until you feel calmer. Make sure you breathe from the abdomen.
Relax your muscles
One symptom of panic attacks are very common is muscle tension, and those who experienced it many times often suffer from chronic muscle tension.
Practice muscle relaxation to help you learn to reduce panic attacks. Start with your feet, how to make a fist with your toes close approximately 10 seconds, then release.
Focus on the sensations you feel when the muscles clenched, which contrasts with the feeling when you are relaxed. Repeat several times, then move to other muscle groups, such as in the arm, abdomen, and arms.
Do not attempt to circumvent
If you circumvent the trigger panic, it means that you tell your brain that you can not handle the situations that trigger panic. Circumvention like this will make you familiar afraid to face various unexpected situations.
Try to adopt an attitude of "let it happen / let it happen". Tell yourself that a panic attack will pass. You can close their eyes and imagine the panic attacks like a beach wave. You're in the middle of a storm, but just need to ride the wave until it reaches the shore. You will eventually get there.
Focus on something outside yourself
Talk with others or see other objects can reduce the symptoms of panic attacks. Stroking a dog or cat is a great way to reduce discomfort. The simple act of an animal can compensate for a rapid heart rate caused by panic.
Try touching objects around to bring themselves back in touch with reality. Focusing on things outside of yourself can help you more calm.

Sumber : http://lifestyle.okezone.com

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Are You Sad? Live the with Chocolate and Ice Cream


TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Are you sad? If your answer is yes, immediately reduce the sense of grief by eating foods containing fat such as chocolate, ice cream, or cheese cake. Feel the feelings of the change that occurs after you consume it.

A team of researchers from the University of Leuven, Belgium announced the results of their research on fatty foods like chocolate, ice cream, cheese cake and food like some time ago in the media last Tuesday, July 26.


The researchers found that these foods can ease the burden of grief in a healthy way without making you gain weight.

The team of researchers led by Luke Van Oudenhove was found that respondents who were tested after eating foods that contain fat, their brain will get the feeling of happiness from fat.

Solutions to overcome this grief from eating fatty foods affect the condition of the stomach that cause grief could be diminished or lost.

The invention is tested by some local respondents also can be tried for a person suffering from depression. So, welcome the feeling of happiness.

Chocolate Lower Risk of Esophageal Stroke Woman


TRIBUNNEWS.COM - you're a fan of chocolate? If so, blessed are you because a study says, eating lots of chocolate in effect, reduce the risk of stroke in women.

Research involving 33,000 Swedish women who say this adds to the fact that cocoa was good for heart health.

Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm analyzed data from a mammography study that included self-report how many women eating chocolate in 1997. The women ranged in age from 49-83 years.

Researchers found over the next decade, there were 1549 cases of stroke, and the women who ate more chocolate have a lower risk of stroke.

Chocolate intake was highest at that time consumption of 45 grams of chocolate per week. While the low-only 8.9 grams per week.

Nevertheless the research leader Susanna Larsson said, that this research has not fully applicable in real life. "Given the observational study design, findings from this study can not prove that chocolate was a lower risk of stroke," he explained.

For according to Larsson although cocoa good for the heart, the consumption of chocolate in a reasonable amount not also be counterproductive effect. "So this study does not give you a free pass to eat chocolate," he added.

Stroke is a serious medical condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is cut off. People aged over 65 years of age are most at risk of stroke. (Source: Sehatnews.com)