Kamis, 03 November 2011

Variety How to Prevent bone loss


IN normal circumstances, a person will lose 0.9 percent of the bones each year. However, in women after menopause at age 40-50 years, there will be 2-4 percent bone loss per year due to declining estrogen.

While in men, will occur at the age of 50-60 years with the occurrence of andropause due to reduced testosterone. Consider some ways to prevent bone loss, the following:

Adequate calcium consumption

To meet calcium needs, keep in mind that the food products eaten. One good source of calcium is milk. Two glasses of milk a day is able to meet the body's need for calcium. Calcium is also found in soy beans, green beans, and other nuts.

Much exposure to vitamin D

This vitamin is able to maintain bone health by increasing calcium absorption from the digestive system, and reduce the discharge of the kidney. Normal requirement of vitamin D per day is 400 mg. Apart from sunlight, vitamin D can also be obtained from foods such as fish (salmon and sardines), egg yolk, liver, milk, cheese and other dairy products.

routine exercise

Sports that can be done to train the bone is to do a sport that provides compressive force on the bone, loose style, and style twist. The style may stimulate bone growth so that bones become healthier. You can try it with cycling, jogging, walking, or up and down stairs.

Always a healthy life

In addition to calcium, vitamin D, and exercise, would be better if you try to live a healthy life by stopping smoking. Cigarettes, coffee, alcohol, tea and soft drinks can inhibit calcium absorption. Instead, eat nutritious food that meets 4 healthy 5 perfect.

Source : http://lifestyle.okezone.com

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