Jumat, 18 November 2011

Damage Heart Can Recover For Garlic Oil


TRIBUNEWS.COM - Garlic was found to provide protection to the heart. Scientists from Emory University School of Medicine in the United States had carried out tests on the compounds contained in garlic oil component, called diallyl trisulfide.

They give the compound in mice that clogged heart arteries. The result of damaged heart tissue recovered nearly two-thirds and the bloodstream of mice was slowly repaired.

The researcher explained that diallyl trisulfide compounds can release hydrogen sulfide, which has previously been shown to protect heart tissue and low concentrations.

Compounds contained in garlic oil components is also considered very efficient for researchers administered to the patient. Given previous treatment with garlic in the gaseous and volatile when administered as therapeutic drugs.

"The finding compounds in garlic oil is very good. Now we are living process it into an oral drug that is more easily consumed" explained one researcher Professor David Lefer. (sehatnews.com)

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