Kamis, 03 November 2011

google Mungkin maksud Anda adalah: Bebas Racun, Ini Dia Aturan Makan Mie Instan Poison-Free, It's Him Eat Noodles Rules


Berkuah warm bowl of instant noodles, it's worth the time to accompany bone-chilling cold weather. Increasingly diverse selection of flavors that makes fans of instant noodles never feel bored.

Not infrequently, they even mengkreasikannya with mixed vegetables, corned beef, eggs, until the cheese grated. Delicious aroma and taste that fits, feels pity for the abandoned.

Really instant noodles still need to be avoided for health reasons?

"Manufacture of food safety is assured enough. To my knowledge, they are truly in producing the food, because he did not want to get involved ahead of consumer health issues. Unless we buy yellow noodles in the market that there is no packaging, fear is formalin, "explained Prof. Dr. Ir Ali Khomsan as Professor of the Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University on" The Importance of Early Education Breakfast "by the Blue Band and Sari Roti in SD Islam Dian Didaktika, Cinere, Tuesday (01/11/2011).

Explained Prof. Ali, bumbulah which triggers diverse health problems.

"A person can only be poisoned after eating instant noodles 500 packs a day. Poison lies in the instant noodle seasoning berpengawet. While the husband because of dry, he does not 'innocent', "continued Prof. Ali.

Then, how many times a week someone is still allowed to eat instant noodles?

"If once a day, God willing, baseball still nothing. But we still need food diversity. To be safe, the consumption of instant noodles a week 2 or 3 times, "he concluded.

source : http://lifestyle.okezone.com

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