Jumat, 18 November 2011

This is the third myth about the One Love


UNDERSTANDING is wrong about love can make a life interrupted. Here are some myths that need to be repaired about one's love life.
Talking about love is always beautiful. We all like a fairy tale brought to the country where the abundance of dreams and beauty. In fact, the reality is not as beautiful as the fantasy. When served, there are some unpleasant things about love and need to know. This is the leak, as written Sheknows.

Finding Mr. Right will solve the problem
There's nothing wrong with wanting to find someone who can inspire you to become the best. But believe that the presence of a lovely heart into a solution is not the only one who can solve the problems of life. Even if it does not deal with the problem yourself, whether it's a matter of personal issues, finances, and so you will not necessarily find a suitable partner. So before you expect on the couple, learn to be strong in yourself, so do not rely on the presence of any mere man.

Marriage is everything
Consider marriage is a solution to various problems it was not a wise assumption. All you have to remember is, marriage is a special moment in finding someone who could become lifelong friends. So, it is necessary there are things that must be specified in your life and not just Questioning marriage only.

It sucks being single
Feel shut out, desperately searching for soulmate and still single is not easy. However, this is not the end of everything. It's when you're single, the more likely you are to use the time to do things. Not only that, you can focus more on working all the things you can do to find opportunities in love, for example, meet new friends, repair performance in the office, or doing new things that challenge. Remember, being single is actually any fun. Depending on how you use that time well.

Sounce :  http://lifestyle.okezone.com

4 Understand Desire Pet Tricks


Good at understanding the key pair can run lasting relationship. For this reason, it is proper to understand the desire husband wife.
Understands the needs of the couple that is able to understand anything she wants. However, this is not an easy thing. It takes sensitivity to each other to understand each individual desires. The result, alignment relations even more awake.
If you want to make it happen in your relationship, Howtodothings provide leak tricks.
Listen to his desire
Listening is the largest part of the communication. This does not mean just to hear what he said, but really understand what he put as he spoke. When he shows signs of nonverbal, you also need to be sensitive listening to her body language. Try to understand what these desires through implicit message was showing.
Notice when he speaks
Sometimes when my wife was talking, you often do not pay attention to detail of the conversation that passed. From now on, change the habit. By listening to the conversation, then you will understand what he was saying, either with nonverbal and verbal cues though.
Ask for advice or opinions
Sometimes, you can involve him in your problems. For example, when you are faced with a choice, your wife can seek advice about important things. In this way, you will understand his opinion. Sometimes, you do need to give him a chance to talk and express their needs. In this way, he would not feel compelled or forced to start talking to you about something.
Do not ignore little things
In other cases, your wife may be too worried about something that seems trivial, such as ignoring the role of household items such as forgetting to pay bills or have problems with neighbors and so on. When this happens, it may be a marker that there is something bigger things on his mind.
Create a connection to one another
Understanding the nonverbal cues will sometimes involve the analysis and logic. Try to arrange the puzzle and involve themselves to jointly given the observations that you collect from your meeting with a partner. For example, if he is silent or avoid certain topics, then he was having serious problems with you.

Sounce : http://lifestyle.okezone.com
Lidah Buaya ( Aloe vera )

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - mag Pain is often described as termakannya our stomach by gastric acid. If the disease strikes, we will feel the excruciating pain in the abdomen on the left. Apparently some of the plants around us have properties prevent and cure it.
Ulcer is a popular term to describe conditions such as this: if often somewhat sour vomiting, body temperature rises, the face pale, lacking appetite, if you're an empty stomach ache, soreness, and tightness in the upper gut pain until sometimes sometimes make us wake up in the middle of the night, defecating irregular, sometimes constipation or diarrhea.
Ulcer itself is a Dutch vocabulary, which means the stomach is then Indonesianized become mag. Thus, the actual ulcer is a sore stomach. Generally, a disease that often occurs in people with blood type O is in the form of inflammation of the mucous membranes (mucosa), stomach (gastritis), or gastric mucosal injury (gastric ulcers) are known as peptic ulcers (ulcus pepticum).
Culprit of this disease is a substance that can menginhibisi gastric acid secretion. For example, histamine and anti-inflammatory non-steroidal. Work hard, mind tense, edgy, or lack of sleep also causes high levels of stomach acid. Often late eating, drinking acidic drugs on an empty stomach, drinking alcohol, and excessive smoking can also cause this disease. Similarly pylory Helicobacter bacterial infection that can invade gastric submucosal layer.
Based on the causes above, the healing is done by neutralizing stomach acid, reducing the production of stomach acid, to treat infections of the gastric mucous membrane, and reduce pain caused by irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach wall or muscle spasms. Medicine antacids, antihistamines, anticholinergics, demulcent (to reduce local irritation on peptic ulcers, and physically protect the cells underneath to contact and irritation from the outside). Especially for stomach pain due to infection of H. pylory treatment using antibiotics.
Patients also are encouraged to eat small amounts but often.
In addition to the treatment using pharmaceutical drugs, ulcer healing can also use medicinal plants. With a mix of plants that have demulcent properties, antacid and astringent, will be able to obtain the best dosage for treatment of wounds (ulcers).
Here are some recipes plants to cope with various gastric disorders.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa or C. domestica)
Seibu finger turmeric rhizome after being washed, shredded. Parutannya then given a little water and squeezed. Drink 2x a day, morning and evening before meals before bed.
Aloe vera (Aloe vera)
Take the fresh gel of aloe vera leaves half. Gel as much as is taken for one drink. Drink it 2x a day. It could be honey to taste. For pregnant women should not consume this concoction.
Kamomila (Matricaria recutita)
Pour boiling water 1 teaspoon of flowers kamomila with 150 ml of hot water, let sit for 50-10 minutes, then drink. Repeat this infusion 3-4 times daily.
Powder (Kaempferia galanga)
To cope with an ulcer: a finger rhizome kencur washed, peeled, and chewed with salt as needed. After smooth, chew swallow kencur was followed by drinking warm water. Do this 3x a day.
Cincau (Cylea barbata)
Take a handful of leaves of grass jelly (± 80 g wet weight). Leaves washed and milled until smooth. The result is kneaded with water and filtered as needed. In order to quickly thickens, give the necessary whiting. After the clot, eat with sugar water or syrup. Do this 3x a day, each _ as much as drinking glasses (glass capacity of approximately 200 ml).
Meniran (Phyllanthus niruni)
Wash and boil the leaves meniran _ handheld with 3 cups water and leave to stay _ his. After chilling filtered, then taken with honey as needed. Do this 3x a day.
If your stomach problem, it never hurts to turn to nature to find a cure.

Beautiful with Mesotherapy

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - NOW more and more ways to get healthy skin and beautiful. One of them with mesotherapy, a treatment technique invented by French doctor Michel Pistor. What and how do they work, Consultant Aesthetic Beauty Clinic dr Sumia Fisca Kurniasih expose.

Mesotherapy was first developed in 1952 in France. This technique is a therapy using micro injections which, among other things, contains a multivitamin and phosphatydilcholin (PPC).

Both active ingredients are incorporated into the layer mesodermik by using special tools such as mesogan, mesoroli, or mesomanual.

Based on workmanship mesotherapy technique is divided into two, namely by using a needle (needle) and do not use needles (no needle).

Mesotherapy by using a needle to use a special tool called a mesogun or even use the manual needle. While in Sumia Aesthetic Clinic over using no needle mesotherapy is by using galvanic and ultrasonic devices.

The function of this tool to include a mixture of several kinds of medicinal active substances such as serum, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, anesthetic agents, and proteins into the middle layer of skin (mesoderm).

Damage Heart Can Recover For Garlic Oil


TRIBUNEWS.COM - Garlic was found to provide protection to the heart. Scientists from Emory University School of Medicine in the United States had carried out tests on the compounds contained in garlic oil component, called diallyl trisulfide.

They give the compound in mice that clogged heart arteries. The result of damaged heart tissue recovered nearly two-thirds and the bloodstream of mice was slowly repaired.

The researcher explained that diallyl trisulfide compounds can release hydrogen sulfide, which has previously been shown to protect heart tissue and low concentrations.

Compounds contained in garlic oil components is also considered very efficient for researchers administered to the patient. Given previous treatment with garlic in the gaseous and volatile when administered as therapeutic drugs.

"The finding compounds in garlic oil is very good. Now we are living process it into an oral drug that is more easily consumed" explained one researcher Professor David Lefer. (sehatnews.com)

Hey man, Do It When Your Spouse climax


TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Sexual intercourse lasted on average takes three minutes. However, most women need stimulation longer to reach climax.

Not like a man who can rapidly stimulated fast but also lost his passion. Here's one tips for women to be able to get longer according to the climax of the British sex expert Anne Hooper.

According to members of the Bristish Association of Sexual and Marital therapists, when a woman is about to reach klimkas, do not immediately stop the stimulation or stimulation for her. Not like the man who can still stimulate reinvent itself quickly, if the stimulus for the woman stopped, you will repeat from the beginning whether the stimulation is by hand, mouth or movement of the penis.

Keep in constant and continuous. If I need to use your fingers to the female partner still burning passion. So, do not stop when you have started until it's over. (sehatnews.com)

Favorites & hated Men of Women


ALTHOUGH seem agreed, does not mean all women act like men. The reason is, there are several treatments and attitudes of women who do not like men. What are they?

Some decisions are assessed according to the woman's trim was the case in the eyes of men. For example, taking care of themselves at the salon for women may be a necessity. But in the eyes of men, it could be a waste.

So you do not get stuck with a dizzying couple different decisions, peep the following leak, as written Idiva.

Men like women who have a purpose

Most men love a woman whose mind is broad, especially those who have goals and career-oriented. Not only that, financially secure woman who became a man's dream. Most importantly, women who are intelligent and know what they are talking about a man so turn on.

Men like women who are not excessive taking care of themselves

Caring for yourself at the beauty salon is an investment for women. Actually, men do not object to it. Because they were very happy to see women who are well maintained. However, women do not always have to spend at the salon bujetnya excessively. Neat is much more important in the eyes of men.

Men hate when women make up

The best thing to seeing the world from another perspective is that when women spend much time in front of the mirror to dress up and wear makeup.

Men do not care when the woman's body mengumbar

When women use short skirts and memerlihatkannya in public, he actually did not care. Precisely with classy and elegant look, men are more like it.

source : http://lifestyle.okezone.com

Kamis, 03 November 2011

Food Baby Gender Affect Pregnant women?


Nia Ramadhani PREGNANCY first child with Ardie Bakrie is reportedly the sixth grandchild for prospective employers Bakrie. Sure to be awarded couples pride for future leaders.

Then, is it true there are certain foods that influence the sex of the baby?

"I have not found any relation between the food consumed by pregnant mothers of children born with the tendency of women and men. Therefore, the sex of the baby 50/50 influenced by genetics, "said Prof. Dr. Ir Khomsan Ali, Professor of the Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University met at the show" The Importance of Early Education Breakfast "by the Blue Band and Sari Roti, in SD Islam Dian Didaktika, Cinere, Depok, on Tuesday (11/01/2011).

Furthermore, Prof. Ali explains that men and women carrying the gene carrying the gene xx xy. Contributions to the higher trend will lead to sex.

"The body of the woman who was pregnant is astounding. He can produce according to the levels of a given gene, "he concluded.

Source : http://lifestyle.okezone.com

Variety How to Prevent bone loss


IN normal circumstances, a person will lose 0.9 percent of the bones each year. However, in women after menopause at age 40-50 years, there will be 2-4 percent bone loss per year due to declining estrogen.

While in men, will occur at the age of 50-60 years with the occurrence of andropause due to reduced testosterone. Consider some ways to prevent bone loss, the following:

Adequate calcium consumption

To meet calcium needs, keep in mind that the food products eaten. One good source of calcium is milk. Two glasses of milk a day is able to meet the body's need for calcium. Calcium is also found in soy beans, green beans, and other nuts.

Much exposure to vitamin D

This vitamin is able to maintain bone health by increasing calcium absorption from the digestive system, and reduce the discharge of the kidney. Normal requirement of vitamin D per day is 400 mg. Apart from sunlight, vitamin D can also be obtained from foods such as fish (salmon and sardines), egg yolk, liver, milk, cheese and other dairy products.

routine exercise

Sports that can be done to train the bone is to do a sport that provides compressive force on the bone, loose style, and style twist. The style may stimulate bone growth so that bones become healthier. You can try it with cycling, jogging, walking, or up and down stairs.

Always a healthy life

In addition to calcium, vitamin D, and exercise, would be better if you try to live a healthy life by stopping smoking. Cigarettes, coffee, alcohol, tea and soft drinks can inhibit calcium absorption. Instead, eat nutritious food that meets 4 healthy 5 perfect.

Source : http://lifestyle.okezone.com

Difficult Sleep? Drinking Milk It!


Delicious wake up in a fresh condition in the morning is an attempt to sleep 7 to 8 hours a night. Unfortunately, at times more serbamodern who have trouble sleeping, especially for those who live in big cities.

To help you sleep more soundly, Prof. Dr. Ir Khomsan Ali, Professor of the Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ehttp://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=65164894312427332cology, Bogor Institute of Agriculture advise you to drink a glass of milk before going up to bed.

"Milk is believed to make sleep more soundly. In milk, there are substances called tryptophan. When flowing in the bloodstream, tryptophan releases the hormone melatonin which makes us sleepy easily, "he said on the show" The Importance of Early Education Breakfast "by the Blue Band and Sari Roti in the region Cinere, Depok, recently.

Melatonin is a hormone that signals the brain that this is the tihttp://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=65164894312427332me for the body to rest all night. "But, these hormones will only come out after 18.00 pm," he concluded.

Source : http://lifestyle.okezone.com

Alert, Risk Cigarettes Accelerate Menopause


THE woman who has the habit of smoking may have to stop that habit now. A study revealed that smokers' risk of women experience menopause about a year earlier than those who do not smoke. Studies conducted by the journal "Menopause" states that early menopause can be at risk of developing bone and heart disease.
This study collected data from several previous studies that included about 6,000 women in the United States, Poland, Turkey, and Iran. This study says that for women non-smokers, the average will experience menopause between the ages of 46 to 51 years. But in all studies, except for two studies, women smokers will experience menopause at a younger age, ie between 43 and 50 years.
During menopause, a woman's ovaries stop producing eggs and the woman can not be pregnant anymore.
"Our results provide further evidence that cigarette smoking was significantly associated with early (age of menopause) and provide justification for women to avoid this habit," said study author, Volodymyr Dvornyk from the University of Hong Kong.
Dvornyk and his colleagues also analyzed five other studies that use women's old age about 50 or 51 years to be "early" and "late" through menopause. Of the approximately 43,000 women in the analysis, women who smoke 43 percent more likely to experience menopause earlier than nonsmokers.
Both early and late menopause have been associated with health risks. Women who experience delays menopause for example, are considered high risk for breast cancer because one of the risk factors for the disease is more exposed to estrogen.
"The general consensus says, early menopause may be associated with greater numbers and a higher risk of health problems during menopause, such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, obesity, Alzheimer's disease, and others," he said in a Reuters Health Dvornyk .
Overall, he adds, early menopause is also thought to increase the risk of death of a woman in the next year. There are two theories why smoking may mean early menopause, says Jennie Kline, an epidemiologist at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in New York.
Smoking has an effect on how women's bodies or in other words can get rid of estrogen. Some researchers believe that certain components of cigarette smoke can kill the eggs, said Kline, who was not involved in this study.Dvornyk team does not have information about how long the woman smoked, whether old or not, or how many cigarettes they smoked each day. His team could not determine how one of these factors mayaffecting age at menopause.
For that reason and the lack of data on other health and lifestyle factors associated with menopause, the analysis may be insufficient to resolve the remaining questions between smoking and menopause. Alcohol, body weight, and whether the woman has given birth or not, may also play a role at the time they reach menopause. Even so, Kline stated that the evidence for anything other than smoking have been linked.

Source : http://lifestyle.okezone.com

google Mungkin maksud Anda adalah: Bebas Racun, Ini Dia Aturan Makan Mie Instan Poison-Free, It's Him Eat Noodles Rules


Berkuah warm bowl of instant noodles, it's worth the time to accompany bone-chilling cold weather. Increasingly diverse selection of flavors that makes fans of instant noodles never feel bored.

Not infrequently, they even mengkreasikannya with mixed vegetables, corned beef, eggs, until the cheese grated. Delicious aroma and taste that fits, feels pity for the abandoned.

Really instant noodles still need to be avoided for health reasons?

"Manufacture of food safety is assured enough. To my knowledge, they are truly in producing the food, because he did not want to get involved ahead of consumer health issues. Unless we buy yellow noodles in the market that there is no packaging, fear is formalin, "explained Prof. Dr. Ir Ali Khomsan as Professor of the Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University on" The Importance of Early Education Breakfast "by the Blue Band and Sari Roti in SD Islam Dian Didaktika, Cinere, Tuesday (01/11/2011).

Explained Prof. Ali, bumbulah which triggers diverse health problems.

"A person can only be poisoned after eating instant noodles 500 packs a day. Poison lies in the instant noodle seasoning berpengawet. While the husband because of dry, he does not 'innocent', "continued Prof. Ali.

Then, how many times a week someone is still allowed to eat instant noodles?

"If once a day, God willing, baseball still nothing. But we still need food diversity. To be safe, the consumption of instant noodles a week 2 or 3 times, "he concluded.

source : http://lifestyle.okezone.com

Rabu, 02 November 2011

Be happy and you'll Aged Long


TRIBUNNEWS.COM - you want to have longevity? Happy, that's the key. Because a study says, a sense of ahagia was not only improve the quality of life, but also increase the quantity of your life.

Research by scientists from University College London, England included participants aged between 52 to 79 years. Participants then divided into three groups based on how happy and positive feelings they felt.

Five years later, 7 percent of people in the unhappy group had died, while at the happiest group of only 4 percent were found dead. The remaining 5 percent of the middle group.

The researchers also connect to aging, depression, chronic disease, lifestyle, and socioeconomic factors with risk of death of the participant. They also found that the happiest people 35 percent less likely to die.

"Although it seems far-fetched, but the emotional snapshot has proven its influence on overall temperament even in previous research," said Sarah Pressman, PhD, a professor of psychology at the University of Kansas, Lawrence.

"We hope that we can see the relationship between how people feel happy in his life and longevity effects on his future. It turned out that the effect is very strong," added the leader Andrew Steptoe, PhD.

The issue of HIV Plugs Dental Coverage Only Shit


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, LAMPUNG-Activist HIV / AIDS Rendi dismissed, the HIV virus can be transmitted through a toothpick smeared with blood OTH (people infected with HIV).

As is, the outstanding issues through blackbery massanger or sms. Its contents, warning that the community be aware of the use of toothpicks because the media used to transmit HIV / AIDS.

Coordinator of Network of People Infected with HIV Indonesia (JOTHI) Komariah Ade said that the HIV virus in the open air only lasted two seconds.

"So, over time the virus is dead. So infection with a toothpick stuck into the blood it can not, 'he said

Your digestion is interrupted? Maybe you Stress


TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Apparently stress can cause digestive problems like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), disorders that cause abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea.

Scientists claim that people often experience psychological trauma during their lifetime were more likely to have IBS. Trauma in this example the death of a loved one, divorce, experience a disaster or car accident.

"In addition, 50 percent of patients with IBS, also known to have experienced sexual harassment" explained one researcher Yuri Saito Loftus, of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn..

According to Yuri This is the first study to see how the forms of trauma can affect the level of a person develops IBS.

The exact cause of IBS is unknown, but researchers suspect that the nerves and muscles that control bowel is disturbed. While the state of excessive post-traumatic stress activates nerves that connect the brain and intestines, causing severe intestinal problems.

Yuri and his colleagues also conducted a survey on 2623 people about the number and types of traumatic events they experienced in their lives. Participants with IBS also reported experiencing more severe trauma.

google Why Men Use Condoms Ogah?


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - The use of condoms as a contraceptive, is proven to prevent pregnancy and reduce the risk of transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
In addition to ease of use of rubber belt, the price is more affordable than other types of contraception. But unfortunately, the use of condoms in the community in fact still very low compared to other types of contraception, which is less than 10 percent.
The Coordinator of Medical Services Indonesiaa Family Planning Association (IPPA) of Jakarta, Bondan Widjajanto, many reasons underlying the decline of the popularity of condoms.
There are at least six reasons why condom use among men is still minimal:
1. Contraception "only for women (wife)"During this time, the use of contraception is often imposed on women. In fact, men also have an important role in preventing pregnancy and transmission of sexually transmitted infections. Especially if you see the reality on the ground that men as individuals who are most at risk of transmitting sexually transmitted infections, because of risky sexual behavior tended.
2. Discomfort (reduced sensation)Most men are lazy to use condoms because they feel pleasure and sensation during intercourse is reduced. In fact, the designs are currently manufactured condoms are very thin, elastic and durable so it does not eliminate the overall sensitivity.
3. The stigma of condoms as a means of free sexNot true if there is a presumption that said the use of condoms as a sex booster. Lingering misconceptions in the community that supports berangangapan that condom use makes sex socialization and its application is not running smoothly.
4. Condoms fail to prevent pregnancyThe failure of condoms in preventing pregnancy arise more because of lack of understanding in the community. Condom failure is more often due to improper use, not because the quality of the condom itself.Several studies in the United States shows, about 30-60 percent of men claimed to always use condoms, but among those who use condoms do not necessarily wear it properly.
"The decline in the effectiveness of condoms is more due to human factors. So do not use nails when tearing the wrapper, do not put it in the wallet, and before use must be seen before expiration," said Bondan media during a visit to the PT. Mitra Rajawali Banjaran, Bandung, Tuesday (01/11/2011).
5. Easy to loose, broken or tornCondoms have been rigorously tested in the laboratory. Condoms are classified as medical products and testing under the Ministry of Health. At the time condoms were manufactured at the plant will go through a series of repeated testing before being packed. Several U.S. studies show that the rate of condom rupture of less than 2 percent.
"To meet the International Quality Standard (ISO 4074) of each strand of condoms should be produced through electronic test, because it is not easily torn," said Bondan.
6. The HIV virus can pass through condomsThere is an assumption that condoms contain holes that HIV can be passed. It is indeed true that condoms made from natural materials such as sheep intestines. But the condom type was rarely produced. Latex condoms, which is commonly found in the market, strong enough and has been tested to withstand micro-organisms including sperm and HIV.
"Condoms are there but very small pores. Laboratory studies show that latex condoms are made of highly impermeable to prevent the entry of HIV," he said.

In order to Smile More Charming on Wedding Day


TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Want to look beautiful with a perfect smile at weddings? Each couple would want a wedding on the day of happiness that radiated from the smile.
Orthodonti specialist dentist, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Hasanuddin, drg Eka Erwansyah Kes Sport, has a solution so you can smile with the perfect wedding day.
He said, years after marriage, usually people like to look back to her wedding album. Sometimes we see there are obstructions on the attitude of the bride in the photos is retained as a smile or talk while their mouths shut. Apparently it happens as a result wanted to avoid embarrassment caused by poor care at our teeth or maybe because of not getting care at all.
Currently, starting a new trend in society arise in couples who are planning to be married. They tried to get a charming smile, especially on the day of marriage. They undergo treatment on the sidelines of preparatory events.
"Cosmetic dental care today have many choices of treatment with varying costs and maintenance schedules that can be tailored to the time available before the wedding," said Eka who is also professor of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Hasanuddin in Makassar, on Tuesday (1/11/2011 ).
Look beautiful with a charming smile on your wedding day, will be remembered for life. Receive and greet guests with a beautiful smile. This picture can be prepared in stages in advance.

The following stage / treatment options from time to time according to schedule:
* 2-3 years before the wedding they are aware of the problems in the face associated with the alignment position of the teeth are quite severe as tooth crowding, advanced tooth or teeth gaps, can undergo orthodontic treatment (braces).
* 10-18 Months before the eventThis time period is very suitable to undergo a complete restoration of the mouth such as the replacement of missing teeth with dental implants, denture or crown and bridge. This period is also a sufficient time to undergo orthodontic treatment in mild cases.
* 3-5 Months before the eventIn this period, used to replace fillings and crowns that are not aesthetic or create new ones. This period is also a good time to undergo laser therapy (Electrosurgery) to get a beautiful gum. Periodontal therapy (penyanggag network gear) done thoroughly. This period is the best time to start scaling and root planing sessions (for those who do not practice regularly), including oral hygiene instruction.
* 1-2 Months before the eventTime to repair any aesthetic problems were not addressed. Closure of gaps between the teeth using luminers materials or composites. Tooth whitening (bleaching) can be done at home with guided by your dentist. Replacement of worn crowns. Similarly, replacement of fillings with the new color of teeth. Maintaining healthy gums with daily care is the most important action at this time.
* 1-2 weeks before the eventTime to complete denture restoration of cementing permanent crowns and denture bridges. Repair using a composite esthetic problem. Replacement of old fillings with tooth-colored esthetic restorations. Teeth whitening at the dentist.
Current stress usually begin to appear, therefore, be important to perform perfect oral hygiene.
* Day -1 s / d -3Last action to take is to use a composite aesthetic treatments and teeth whitening at the dentist. Measures to improve and maintain oral hygiene (plaque control procedures) and polish teeth.
* D-DayWear your smile is beautiful paaaling