Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

How Long Sperm Survive in Miss V?

 How long sperm life when exposed to free air and how long age when there is sperm in the vagina?
Rio (Male, 23 years), rioXXXXXXX@rocketmail.com Height 160 cm and weight 50 Kg
Spermatozoa can survive for 5 days in a woman's body at the level of acidity of the fluid that surrounds the sperm or (pH) of 7.2 to 8, which means belonging to the base instead of acid. Clearly, the semen is to protect the spermatozoa from the acidity of the vagina.
Whereas if the sperm is exposed to free air then in a flash would be destroyed. (Bullock N, Turner W & Cuckow, 2008).
Dr. Andri Wanananda MS Members of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Association Seksologi Indonesia (ASI) and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tarumanegara Jakarta.

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